

上传时间 :2020-05-14    浏览次数 :

李红,副教授,硕士生导师,青岛大学特聘教授。1987年出生于山东淄博,师从于侯保荣院士。在《Corrosion Science,Applied Surface Science,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,Nanotechnology》等期刊发表SCI论文50余篇,其中以一作或通讯作者发表论文28篇,以第一发明人获国家发明专利授权6件。








1.山东省自然科学基金面上基金,2024.01-2026.12,10万元 ,在研,主持



4.山东省重点研发公益性项目,2019/01-2020/12,15万元,已结题,主持 5.中国博士后科学基金第58批面上项目,2015/07-2017/07,5万元,已结题,主持

6. 2016年度山东省博士后创新项目,2016/06-2017/06,9万元,已结题,主持




1.Weitao Li, Honggang Liu, Jinke Zhu, Xuan Zhang, Guidong Li, Yanhui Li,Hong Li*. Efficient photocathodic protection of nanoflower MgIn2S4-modified CNNs composites on 316 SS under visible light. Materials Research Bulletin, 2024, 112694. SCIE.

2. Jinke Zhu, Xuan Zhang, Zhanyuan Yang, Xiangyu Zhang, Yanhui Li, Da Li,Hong Li*. Enhancing photocathodic protection of Q235 carbon steel by co-sensitizing TiO2 nanotubes with CdIn2S4 nanogranules and WO3 nanoplates. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 976: 173184. SCIE.

3. Xuan Zhang, Jinke Zhu, Zhanyuan Yang, Yanhui Li, Pengfei Zhang,Hong Li*. Enhancing photocathodic protection with Bi QDs and ZIF-8 NPs co-sensitized TiO2 NTs. Nanotechnology, 2023, 35: 045701. SCIE.

4. Jinke Zhu,Hong Li*, Zhanyuan Yang, Yanhui Li, Pengfei Zhang. CaIn2S4 nanosheets and SnO2 nanoflowers co-sensitized TiO2 nanotubes photoanode for continuous and efficient photocathodic protection of Q235 carbon steel. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 970: 172570. SCIE.

5. Weitao Li, Zhanyuan Yang, Yanhui Li, Pengfei Zhang,Hong Li*. Highly Efficient Photocathodic Protection Performance of ZIS@CNNs Composites under Visible Light. Coatings, 2023, 13(9): 1479. SCIE.

6.Zhanyuan Yang,Hong Li*, Jinke Zhu, Weitao Li, Yanhui Li, Pengfei Zhang. Preparation of ZIF-67/BiVO4composite photoanode and its enhanced photocathodic protection performance of 316 SS under visible light, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 961: 170926. SCIE.

7. Jizhou Sun,Hong Li*,Qichao Zhang, Yishan Jiang, Binbin Zhang*. One-step spraying achieved superhydrophobic fluoroSiO2@epoxy coating with corrosion-wear resistance and anti-wetting stability, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2023.

8.Hong Li*, Zhanyuan Yang, Xingqiang Cui, Yanhui Li, Pengfei Zhang, Junru Li. A highly efficient In2S3/Ag2S/TiO2NTAs photoelectrodes for photocathodic protection of Q235 carbon steel under visible light,Nanotechnology, 2022, 34: 045705. SCIE.

9. Z. Yang,H. Li*, X. Cui, J. Zhu, Y. Li, P. Zhang, J. Li, Direct Z-scheme nanoporous BiVO4/CdS quantum dots heterojunction composites as photoanodes for photocathodic protection of 316 stainless steel under visible light, Applied Surface Science, 603 (2022) 154394.

10. J. Zhu,H. Li*, X. Cui, Z. Yang, B. Chen, Y. Li, P. Zhang, J. Li, Efficient photocathodic protection performance of ZnIn2S4nanosheets/SnO2quantum dots/TiO2nanotubes composite for 316 SS under visible light, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 926 (2022) 166901.

11.Hong Li*, Xingqiang Cui, Weizhe Song, Zhanyuan Yan, Yanhui Li, Pengfei Zhang, Zongmin Zheng, Yuqi Wang, Junru Li, Fubin Ma. Direct Z-scheme MgIn2S4/TiO2heterojunction for enhanced photocathodic protection of metals under visible light, Nanotechnology, 2022, 33: 165703. SCIE.

12. Zhanyuan Yan,Hong Li*, Xingqiang Cui, Jinke Zhu, Yanhui Li, Pengfei Zhang, Junru Li. Highly efficient CuInSe2sensitized TiO2nanotube films for photocathodic protection of 316 stainless steel, Coatings, 2022, 12: 1448. SCIE.

13.Xingqiang Cui,Hong Li*, Zhanyuan Yan, Yanhui Li, Pengfei Zhang, Zongmin Zheng, Yuqi Wang, Junru Li, Xiaoping Zhang.A novel CaIn2S4/TiO2NTAs heterojunction photoanode for highly efficient photocathodic protection performance of 316 SS under visible light. Nanotechnology, 2021, 32: 395702. SCIE.

14.Hong Li*, Weizhe Song, Xingqiang Cui, Yanhui Li, Baorong Hou, Lianjun Cheng, Pengfei Zhang. Preparation of SnIn4S8/TiO2nanotube photoanode and its photocathodic protection for Q235 carbon steel under visible light.Nanoscale Research Letters, 2020, 16: 10. SCIE.

15.Hong Li*, Weizhe Song, Xingqiang Cui, Yanhui Li, Baorong Hou, Xiaoping Zhang, Yuqi Wang, Lianjun Cheng, Pengfei Zhang, Junru Li. AgInS2and graphene co-sensitized TiO2photoanodes for photocathodic protection of Q235 carbon steel under visible light. Nanotechnology, 2020, 31: 305704~305717

16.Hong Li*, Yanhui Li*, Meng Wang, Zhen Niu, Xiutong Wang, Baorong Hou. Preparation and photocathodic protection property of ZnIn2S4/RGO/TiO2composites for Q235 carbon steel under visible light. Nanotechnology, 2018, 29: 435706~435716.

17.Hong Li*, Yanhui Li*, Xiutong Wang, Baorong Hou.3D ZnIn2S4nanosheets/TiO2nanotubes as photoanodes for photocathodic protection of Q235 CS with high efficiency under visible light.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019,771: 892~899.

18.Hong Li, Xiutong Wang*, Qinyi Wei, Xueqing Liu, Zhouhai Qian, Baorong Hou. Enhanced photocathodic protection performance of Ag/graphene/TiO2composite for 304SS under visible light. Nanotechnology, 2017, 28: 225701~225710.

19.Hong Li, Xiutong Wang*, Qinyi Wei, Baorong Hou. Photocathodic protection of 304 stainless steel by Bi2S3/TiO2nanotube films under visible light. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2017, 12: 1~6.

20.Hong Li, Xiutong Wang*, Liang Zhang, Baorong Hou*. Preparation and photocathodic protection performance of CdSe/reduced graphene oxide/TiO2composite. Corrosion Science, 2015, 94: 342~349.

21.Hong Li, Xiutong Wang*, Yi Liu, Baorong Hou*. Ag and SnO2co-sensitized TiO2photoanodes for protection of 304SS under visible light. Corrosion Science, 2014, 82: 145~153.



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