

上传时间 :2020-05-14    浏览次数 :

王力伟,青岛大学特聘教授,硕士生导师, 工学博士,毕业于北京科技大学。《CorrosionScience》、《Journal of Manufacturing Processes》、《Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance》、《金属学报》等国内外期刊审稿人。











[3]山东省自然科学基金“交流电与阴保协同作用下管线钢应力腐蚀规律与机理研究” 2016.09-2018.09,主持;







[1]王力伟,唐兴华,王新华,何仁洋,王翠,一种拉伸应力作用下埋地钢质管道杂散电流腐蚀试验系统,发明专利, CN201310295614.2, 2015.3

[2]王力伟,唐兴华,王新华,王翠,周文清,一种拉伸应力作用下埋地钢质管道杂散电流腐蚀试验方法,发明专利, CN201310302225.8, 2015.7


[1]王力伟,胡东,何仁洋,王新华,王翠,埋地输油管道泄漏事故应急处理系统,软件著作权, 2014R11S013116, 2014.1.

[2]王力伟,胡东,唐兴华,周文清,王新华,埋地油气管道带压堵漏技术适用性处理系统,软件著作权, 2014R11S013076, 2014.1.


[1]Mingtao Wang(王铭滔),Liwei Wang*, Kun Pang, Yuxi Liu, Yuxue Wang, Zhongyu Cui, Understanding the stress corrosion cracking behavior of 7085-T7651 aluminum alloy in polluted atmosphere. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2022. (SCI/EI源刊,JCR 1区)

[2] Mingtao Wang, Liwei Wang*, Kang Zhao, Yuxi Liu, Zhongyu Cui. Understanding the passivation behavior and film chemistry of four corrosion-resistant alloys in the simulated flue gas condensates[J]. Materials Today Communications, 2022 (31): 103567(SCI/EI源刊,JCR 3区)

[3] Xiaoqi Li(李晓琦), Liwei Wang*, Lin Fan, Mingyuan Zhong, Lianjun Cheng, Zhongyu Cui, Understanding the effect of fluoride on corrosion behavior of pure titanium in different acids [J]. Corrosion Science, 192 (2021) 109812 (SCI/EI源刊,JCR 1区)

[4] Xiaoqi Li, Liwei Wang*, Lin Fan, Zhongyu Cui, Mingxian Sun, Effect of temperature and dissolved oxygen on the passivation behavior of Ti-6Al-3Nb-2Zr-1Mo alloy in artificial seawater [J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 17 (2022) 374-391(SCI/EI源刊,JCR 2区)

[5] Kang Zhao(赵康), Xiaoqi Li, Liwei Wang*, Qirong Yang, Lianjun Cheng, Zhongyu Cui, Passivation behavior of 2507 super duplex stainless steel in hot concentrated seawater: influence of temperature and seawater concentration[J]. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English letters), 35 (2021) 326-340(SCI/EI源刊,JCR 2区)

[6] 赵康, 李晓琦, 王铭滔, 刘宇茜, 姜华伟, 杨启容, 王力伟*. 4种耐蚀合金在超超临界锅炉烟气冷凝液中的腐蚀行为研究, 中国腐蚀与防护学报, 2021(41) :493-500 (CSCD)

[7] Liwei Wang, YunpengDou, SikeHan, JunshengWu, ZhongyuCui. Influence of sulfide on the passivation behavior and surface chemistry of 2507 super duplex stainless steel in acidified artificial seawater, Applied Surface Science,504(2020):144340(SCI/EI源刊,JCR 2区)

[8] Liwei Wang, Juncheng Xin, Lianjun Cheng, Kang Zhao, Baozhuang Sun, Junru Li, Xin Wang, Zhongyu Cui, Influence of inclusions on initiation of pitting corrosion and stress corrosion cracking of X70 steel in near-neutral pH environment, Corrosion Science, 147(2019): 108-127. (SCI/EI源刊,JCR 1区, ESI高被引论文)

[9] Liwei Wang, HuiyunTian, HanGao, FazhengXie, KangZhao, ZhongyuCui, Electrochemical and XPS analytical investigation of the accelerative effect of bicarbonate/carbonate ions on AISI 304 in alkaline environment, Applied Surface Science,492(2019):792-807(SCI/EI源刊,JCR 2区)

[10] Liwei Wang, Lianjun Cheng, Junru Li, Zhifu Zhu, Shuowei Bai, Zhongyu Cui, Combined Effect of Alternating Current Interference and Cathodic Protection on Pitting Corrosion and Stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior of X70 Pipeline Steel in Near-Neutral pH Environment,Materials,11 (2018):465(SCI/EI源刊,JCR 3区)

[11] Liwei Wang, Xinhua Wang, Zhongyu Cui, Zhiyong Liu, Cuiwei Du, Xiaogang Li, Effect of alternating voltage on corrosion of X80 and X100 steels in a chloride containing solution – Investigated by AC voltammetry technique,Corrosion Science 86 (2014): 213-222. (SCI/EI源刊,JCR 1区,TOP期刊)

[12] Liwei Wang, Zhiyong Liu, Zhongyu Cui, Cuiwei Du, Xinhua Wang, Xiaogang Li, In-situ corrosion characterization of simulated weld heat affected zone on API X80 pipeline steel,Corrosion Science 85 (2014): 401-410. (SCI/EI源刊,JCR 1区,TOP期刊)

[13] Liwei Wang, Cuiwei Du, Zhiyong Liu, Xinhua Wang, Xiaogang Li, Influence of carbon on stress corrosion cracking of high strength pipeline steel,Corrosion Science 76 (2013): 486-493. (SCI/EI源刊,JCR 1区,TOP期刊)

[14] Liwei Wang, Xiaogang Li, Cuiwei Du, Peng Zhang, Yizhong Huang, In-situ corrosion characterization of API X80 steel and its corresponding HAZ microstructures in an acidic environment, Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International 22 (2015): 135-144. (SCI/EI源刊,JCR 2区)


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