男,1987年出生,副教授,特聘教授第五层次,注册送体验金 。
2022-至今青岛大学,动力集成及储能系统工程技术中心/注册送体验金 ,副教授
2016~2018中国科学院青岛生物能源与过程研究所 博士后
[1]X.C. Li, Z.K. Wang, S.L. Wei, L. Zhao, J.J. Xu, T. He, L.L. Zheng*, TiC and (Ti,Nb)3SiC2based dual-layer coating on SUS430 for solid oxide fuel cell interconnects, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,63(2024)19–27.
[2]X.C.Li, X.L.Chang , Y.Feng , Z.Q.Dai , L.L.Zheng*,Investigation on the heat generation and heat sources of cylindricalNCM811 lithium-ion batteries,Applied Thermal Engineering 241 (2024) 122403.
[3]X.C.Li,Y.C. Chi,S.L.Wei, X.W.Sun,J.X. Zhao, Q.Q. Hou,K. Fu,Z.Q.Dai,L.L.Zheng*,The preparation and properties of Ti(Nb)-Si-C coating on the pre-oxidized ferritic stainless steel for SOFC interconnect, Materials, 17 (2024), 632.
[4]X.C. Li, L.L. Zheng, Thickness-dependent oxidation behaviors of Ti3AlC2foils at 1100 ◦C in air, Corrosion Science 185 (2021) 109431.
[5]X.C. Li, L.Z. Liu, Mitigated voltage decay and improved electrochemical properties of 0.5Li2MnO3∙0.5LiNixCoyMn1-x-yO2cathode via composition optimizing, Ionics 27 (2021) 2889–2900.
[6]X.C. Li, L.L. Zheng, J.F. Wu, Multiply depolarized composite cathode of Li1.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13O2embedded in a combinatory conductive network for lithium-ion battery with superior overall performances, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 744 (2018) 41-50.
[7]X.C. Li, Y.H. Qian, J.F. Wu, Enhanced lithium and electron diffusion of LiFePO4cathode with two-dimensional Ti3C2MXene nanosheets, Journal of Materials Science 53 (2018) 11078-11090.
[8]X.C. Li, L.L. Zheng, Y.H. Qian, J.J. Xu, M.S. Li, Effects of High Temperature Oxidation on Mechanical Properties of Ti3AlC2, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 33 (2017) 596–602.
[9] X.C. Li, L.L. Zheng, Y.H. Qian, J.J. Xu, M.S. Li, Breakaway oxidation of Ti3AlC2during long-term exposure in air at 1100oC, Corrosion Science 104 (2016) 112-122.
[10]X.C. Li, Y.H. Qian, L.L. Zheng, M.S. Li, Determination of the critical content of Al in Ti3AlC2for the formation of Al2O3scale during oxidation at 1100 oC in air, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 36 (2016) 3311-3318.
[11] L.L. Zheng*,X.C. Li, W.B. Guan, M.S. Li, Y.H. Qian, J.J. Xu, Oxidation behavior and electrical conductivity of MAXs phase (Ti,Nb)3SiC2as a novel intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell interconnect material in anode environment, I. J. H. Energy, 46(2021) 9503-9513.
[12]L.L. Zheng, Q.S. Hua,X.C. Li*, Investigation on the effect of Nb doping on the oxidation mechanism of Ti3SiC2, Corrosion Science 140(2018) 374-378.
[13]L.L. Zheng, Q.S. Hua,X.C. Li*, M.S. Li, Y.H. Qian, J.J. Xu, Z.Q Dai, H.X. Zhang, T.Z. Zhang, J.W. Wu, Exploring a novel ceramic (Ti,W)3SiC2for interconnect of intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43(2018)7483-7491.
[14]L.L. Zheng, Q.S. Hua,X.C. Li*, M.S. Li, Y.H. Qian, J.J. Xu, Investigation on the properties of Ta doped Ti3SiC2 as solid oxide fuel cell interconnects, RSC Adv., 7 (2017) 42350-42356.
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