

上传时间 :2020-05-14    浏览次数 :


2013年博士毕业于中国科学院金属研究所,2013年至2016年于华晨宝马汽车有限公司担任资深新能源汽车高压电池专员。2016年至今于青岛大学任教,为青岛大学卓越人才,电动汽车智能化动力集成技术国家地方联合工程研究中心实验室主任。主要致力于新能源与储能方向中锂离子电池和燃料电池的研究与应用技术。锂离子电池研究方向包括:材料研发、单体性能、电池组热管理和安全特性;燃料电池方面包括:燃料电池冷启动研究、双极板新材料研发与金属双极板表面涂层研发、双极板流道设计及模拟仿真。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项、山东省自然科学基金面上基金项目1项、青岛市自然科学基金项目2项和企事业横向项目6项。获得山东省高等学校科学技术奖三等奖(第1位次)1次。在corrosion Science、Ceramic International, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy、Journal of the European ceramic society、Journal of the American ceramic society、Ceramic international、Surface and Coatings Technology和储能科学与技术等杂志上发表论文五十余篇。


[1]X.C. Li, Z.K. Wang, S.L. Wei, L. Zhao, J.J. Xu, T. He,L.L. Zheng*, TiC and (Ti,Nb)3SiC2based dual-layer coating on SUS430 for solid oxide fuel cell interconnects, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2024, 63:19–27.

[2]X.C.Li, S.L.Wei, X.W.Sun, J.X.Zhao, Q.Q.Hou, K.Fu, Z.Q.Dai,L.L.Zheng*,Synthesis, oxidation behaviors and electricalproperty of Ti(Nb)-Si-C coating for SOFC metallic interconnect, Corrosion Communications, 2024,xxx, xxx-xxx.

[3]X.C.Li , X.L.Chang , Y.Feng , Z.Q.Dai ,L.L.Zheng*,Investigation on the heat generation and heat sources of cylindricalNCM811 lithium-ion batteries,Applied Thermal Engineering 241 (2024) 122403.

[4]X.C.Li,Y.C. Chi,S.L.Wei, X.W.Sun,J.X. Zhao, Q.Q. Hou,K. Fu,Z.Q.Dai,L.L.Zheng*,The preparation and properties of Ti(Nb)-Si-C coating on the pre-oxidized ferritic stainless steel for SOFC interconnect, Materials, (2024) 17, 632.

[5]F. Liu,X.C.Li,P.W.Zhao,X.W.Sun,J.X.Zhao,J.Shen,Z.Q.Dai,L.L.Zheng*, Sensitivity analysis of operating parameters of proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Ionics,2023,29(12) 5431-5440.

[6]Q.Cheng,L.L. Zheng*, X.C. Li, B. Xu*, M.Y. Sun, J. Shi*, Z.Q. Dai, T.Z. Zhang , H.X. Zhang, Microstructural evolution and growth kinetics of interfacial reaction layers in SUS430/Ti3SiC2diffusion bonded joints using a Ni interlayer, C. Inter. 48 (2022) 4484–4496.

[7] D. Han, Z.C. Zhao, Z. Xu, H. Wang, Z. He, H.L. Wang, J. Shi,*L.L. Zheng*, Metal Organic Frameworks Enabled Multifunctional Poly (ethylene oxide)-Based Solid Polymer Electrolytes with High Lithium-Ion Conductivity and Excellent Stability, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2022,xxxx, xxx, xxx-xxx.

[8] Z.C. Zhao,L.L. Zheng∗, H.R. Li, Z.Y. He, D. Han, J. Shi∗,B. Xu∗,H.L. Wang, PPy coated nanoflower like CuCo2O4based on in situ growth of nanoporous copper for high-performance supercapacitor electrodes, Nanotech. 33 (2022) 155606 (11pp).

[9] L.Z. Jia, D. Wang, T. Yin, X.C. Li, L.W. Li, Z.Q. Dai*,L.L. Zheng*, Experimental Study on Thermal-Induced Runaway in High Nickel Ternary Batteries, ACS O. 2022, 7, 14562−14570.

[10] T. Yin, L.Z. Jia, X.C. Li,L.L. Zheng*, Z.Q. Dai, Effect of High-Rate Cycle Aging and Over-Discharge on NCM811 (LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2) Batteries, Energies 2022, 15, 2862.

[11]李硕,李希超,赵经香,戴作强,徐斌,孙明月,郑莉莉,基于涂层改性炮管寿命的研究进展,中国腐蚀与防护学报,2024, 44(2): 295-303.

[12]侯强强,李希超,孙贤伟,赵经香,韦守李,李硕,戴作强,郑莉莉,PEMFC金属双极板氮化物涂层的研究进展,材料热处理学报,2024, 45(1): 11-21.

[13]韦守李,尹涛,贾隆舟,常修亮,王敬豪,戴作强,李希超,郑莉莉,软包磷酸铁锂电池高温浮充后的电化学性能,电气工程学报, 2023,//kns.cnki.net/kcms2/detail/10.1289.TM.20230614.1035.002.html.

[14]常修亮,李希超,贾隆舟,韦守李,王敬豪,戴作强,郑莉莉*,过充循环老化电池产热特性,储能科学与技术,2023, 12(3): 685-697.







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