1.山东省自然科学基金“城市原生污水冷热源换热面污泥类粒子垢与微生物垢的协同作用研究”201508-201712 负责人
2.“十二五”国家科技支撑计划项目,2014BAJ02B03,污水用强化换热技术研究与设备研发 2014/01-2016/12 子课题负责人
3.科技惠民计划项目胶州市污水及地表水源热泵新能源惠民供热示范应用 2013/01-2015/12 (青岛大学第2位)
4.山东省自然科学基金项目“不稳定热源条件下膜构架蓄能器内部传热传质机理研究 ”201501-201712(第2位)
5.科技部“十二五”农村领域国家科技计划“胶州市污水及地表水源热泵新能源惠民供热示范应用”201309-201512 (第2位)
6.国家科技型中小企业创新基金“电动汽车太阳能充电模式立体停车库”201309-201512 (青岛大学第1位)
1. 山东省技术发明奖二等奖(第5位)、山东省科学技术二等奖(第6位)。
1. 吴荣华,李康,杨启容,何凌燕,师钟秀. 一种强化换热热泵系统,2016.07,中国,ZL201410507179.X
2.吴荣华,李康,杨启容,何凌燕,师钟秀. 一种强化除垢型换热装置,2016.02,中国,ZL201410504112.0
1. Zhaoying Li, Li Tao, Qirong Yang*, Lei Chen, Hao Qi, Xinru Ma, Haoxi Ben*. Mechanism research on hydrogen production from catalytic pyrolysis of waste tire rubber. Fuel. 2023, 331: 125846. (SCI收录,IF=8.035)
2. Rui Mao, Qirong Yang*, Zhaoying Li*, Chenxuan Yan, Zhuoya He, Yongqi Zhang. Analysis of scale and frame interface effects on the solidification properties of solar salt in mesopores. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells. 2022, 247: 111949 (SCI收录,IF=7.305)
3. Zhuoya He, Qirong Yang*, Zhaoying Li*, Rui Mao, Chenxuan Yan. Effect of the mesoporous size, structure and surface on the melting and heat transport properties of solar salt. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells. 2022 (SCI收录,IF=7.305)
4. Hao Qi, Qirong Yang*, Zhaoying Li*, Chenyu Yang, Xinru Ma, Haoxi Ben. Reaction mechanism of syngas produced via pyrolysis of enteromorpha polysaccharides. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 2022, 167: 105634. (SCI收录,IF=6.437)
5. Shuangpeng Yu, Qirong Yang*, Zhaoying Li*, Ting Liu, Li Tao, Erren Yao, Yuan Zhang. Mechanism analysis of gas products from catalytic pyrolysis of tire rubber based on reaction thermodynamics and kinetics. Fuel Processing Technology. 2022, 227: 107134. (SCI收录,IF=8.129)
6. QR Yang, SP Yu, HW Zhong, T Liu*, ER Yao*, Y Zhang, HS Zou, W Du. Gas products generation mechanism during co-pyrolysis of styrenebutadiene rubber and natural rubber. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 401: 123302 (SCI收录,JCR 1区Top期刊,IF=14.224)
7. QR Yang, ZL Zhang, XF Gong, ER Yao*, T Liu, Y Zhang, HS Zou. Thermal conductivity of Graphene-polymer composites: implications for thermal management. Heat and Mass Transfer 2020, 56(6): 1931-1945. (SCI收录,IF=2.325)
8. X Wei, HW Zhong, QR Yang*, ER Yao*, Y Zhang, HS Zou. Studying the mechanisms of natural rubber pyrolysis gas generation using RMD simulations and TG-FTIR experiments. Energy Conversion and Management 2019, 189: 143-152. (SCI收录,JCR 1区Top期刊,IF=11.533)
9. QR Yang, ZL Zhang, ER Yao*, N Zhang, N Li. Experimental study of the particulate fouling characteristics on pipe heat transfer surface. Journal of Thermal Science 2019, 28: 1054-1064. (SCI收录,IF=2.013)
10. N Li, QR Yang*, ER Yao*, N Zhang. Synergism between Particulate and Microbial Fouling on a Heat Transfer Surface using Treated Sewage Water. Applied Thermal Engineering 2019, 150: 791-802. (SCI收录,JCR 2区Top期刊,IF=6.465)
11. N Zhang, X Wei, QR Yang*, N Li, ER Yao*. Numerical simulation and experimental study of the growth characteristics of particulate fouling on pipe heat transfer surface. Heat and Mass Tramsfer 2019, 55: 687-698. (SCI收录,IF=2.325)
12. QR Yang*, RH Wu, Y Shi, X Chen. An experimental study and numerical investigation on fluidized defouling of non-clean water heat exchanger. Applied Thermal Engineering 2017, 111: 638–646. (SCI收录,IF=6.465)
13. X Chen, QR Yang*, RH Wu, N Zhang, N Li. Experimental study of the growth characteristics of microbial fouling on sewage heat exchanger surface. Applied Thermal Engineering 2018, 128: 426–433.(SCI收录,IF=6.465)
14. W Du, QR Yang*, JC Zhang. A study of the ventilation performance of a series of connected solar chimneys integrated with building. Renewable Energy 2011, 36: 265-271.(SCI收录,JCR 1区Top期刊,IF=8.634)
15. 毛蕊, 杨启容*, 李昭莹, 闫晨宣, 何卓亚. 介孔内太阳盐凝固特性的尺度效应和结构效应分析. 物理学报 2022, 71(11): 110503.
16. 何卓亚, 杨启容*, 李昭莹, 毛蕊, 王力伟, 闫晨宣. 介孔尺度及结构对混合硝酸盐热输运特性的影响. 物理学报 2022, 71(03): 030503.
17. 陶礼, 杨启容*, 李昭莹*, 亓昊, 王力伟, 马欣如. 基于分子动力学模拟的轮胎橡胶催化热解制氢机理研究. 化工进展. 2022, 41(6): 3010-3021.
18. 官云许, 杨启容*, 何卓亚, 刘亭*, 王力伟, 赵康. 储能用多孔铝硅酸盐陶瓷基热物性的研究. 功能材料 2021, 52(2): 02153-02160.
19. 宫薛菲, 杨启容*, 姚尔人, 刘亭, 官云许, 张远. 石墨烯季戊四醇相变复合材料导热性能的分子动力学研究. 功能材料 2020, 51(1): 01214-01220.
20. 陈霄, 杨启容*, 吴荣华, 王勇. 换热面固液两相流除垢数值模拟与实验研究. 高校化学工程学报 2017, 31(4): 818-826.
21. 王勇, 杨启容*, 吴荣华, 陈霄. 污水换热器流态化在线防、除垢实验. 化工进展 2015, 34(12): 4398-4402.
22. 杨启容, 刘娜, 吴荣华, 姜健. 太阳能喷射制冷系统喷射器性能的三维数值模拟. 热科学与技术 2015, 14(4): 326-330.
23. 杨启容, 秦静静, 吴荣华. 空调室外机气动与升学特性的研究进展. 流体机械 2015, 43(7): 67-71.
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