

上传时间 :2020-06-28    浏览次数 :2308








[1]Y. Gao,Y. Li*,X. Wei,Y. Zheng, S. Yang, Q. Yang, H. Jiang, Y. Zhang, H. Lin. A kinetic study of CO2 and H2O addition on NO formation for ammonia-methanol combustion.Fuel, 2025,381:133283.

[2]X. Wei, Y. Gao,H. Zhao,Y. Li*,Q. Yang. Numerical study on laminar burning velocity and ignition delay time of ammonia/methanol mixtures.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024,82:673-684.

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[7]Li Y., Zhang Y., Zhan R., Huang Z., Lin H. Experimental and kinetic modeling study of ammonia addition on PAH characteristics in premixed n-heptane flames. Fuel Processing Technology 2021,214:106682.

[8]Li Y., Zhang Y., Zhan R., Huang Z., Lin H. Study of PAH formation in laminar premixed toluene and C8H10 aromatics flames. Fuel 2020,275:117774.

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[10] Zhang Y., Xiao B.,Li Y., Zhan R., Huang Z., Lin H. LIF diagnostics for selective and quantitative measurement of PAHs in laminar premixed flames. Combustion and Flame 2020,222:5-17.





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