

上传时间 :2020-07-11    浏览次数 :3085











1. 碳纳米材料(石墨烯,碳纳米管等)和高分子复合物的合成  

2. 电化学生物传感器  

3. 电解水产氢催化剂  







1. 基于石墨烯量子点对溶液中单分子实时高灵敏检测方法研究,山东省自然科学基金面上基金,ZR2017MB0282017/08-2020/06,主持  

2. 基于电化学催化对溶液中单分子实时高灵敏检测及机理研究,山东省高等学校科技计划项目,J17KA1032017/05-2019/05,主持  

3. 网络互穿结构遗态陶瓷/金属复合材料制备和性能研究,山东省自然科学基金,Y2008F132008/12-2011/12,已结题,主持  

4. 基于GMR效应的高灵敏度可变量程生物芯片系统的研制, 山东省自然科学基金重点项目,ZR2012FZ0062012/07-2015/07,已结题,参与  

5. 宏观碳纳米管负载金属氧化物复合材料的制备及其脱附与吸附性能的研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金,508020452009/01-2012/01,已结题,参与    

6. 硅胶-水吸附式制冷中吸附的衰减特性研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金,508060352009/01-2011/12,已结题,参与  



1. Li D, Liu J, Wang H, et al. Electrochemical synthesis of fractal bimetallic Cu/Ag nanodendrites for efficient surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy [J]. Chemical Communications, 2016, 52(73): 10968-10971. IF=6.567201608(一区)  

2. Li, D.; Kong, N.; Liu, J.; Wang, H.; Barrow, C. J.; Zhang, S.; Yang, W., Real-time electrochemical monitoring of covalent bond formation in solution via nanoparticle–electrode collisions. Chem. Commun. 2015, 51 (91), 16349-16352. IF=6.567201509(一区)   

3. Li, D.; Liu, J.; Barrow, C. J.; Yang, W., Protein electrochemistry using graphene-based nano-assembly: an ultrasensitive electrochemical detection of protein molecules via nanoparticle–electrode collisions. Chem. Commun. 2014, 50 (60), 8197-8200. IF=6.567201406(一区)   

4. Haotian Zhu, Tao Chen, Jingquan Liu, Da Li. Adsorption of tetracycline antibiotics from an aqueous solution onto graphene oxide/calcium alginate composite fibers.   RSC Advances,    2018, 8, 2616–2621IF=3.108 201712  (通讯作者)  

5.  Xueying Cao, Dedong Jia, Da Li, Liang Cui, Jingquan Liu (2018). One-step co-electrodeposition of hierarchical radial NixP nanospheres on Ni foam as highly active flexible electrodes for hydrogen evolution reaction and supercapacitor. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018, 348, 310-318 15 September 2018,  (一区)  

6. Huihui Zhu, Ao Liu,  Da Li,  Yongcheng Zhang,  Xiaoxia Wang,  Wenrong Yang,  J. Justin Gooding  and  Jingquan Liu. Wafer-scale fabrication of Cu/Graphene double-nanocaps array for surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrates. Chemical Communications , 2017 , 53 (22) :3273-3276. IF=6.319201703(一区)  

7. Zhang, Y.; Liu, J.; Li, D.; Dai, X.; Yan, F.; Zhou, R.; Conlan, X. A.; Barrow, C. J.; He, J.; Wang, X., Self-Assembled Core-Satellite Gold Nanoparticle Networks for Ultrasensitive Detection of Chiral Molecules by Recognition Tunneling. ACS nano, 2016, 10(5): 5096-5103. IF=13.334April 22, 2016 (一区)  

8. Foroushani, A.; Zhang, Y.; Li, D.; Mathesh, M.; Wang, H.; Yan, F.; Barrow, C. J.; He, J.; Yang, W., Tunnelling current recognition through core–satellite gold nanoparticles for ultrasensitive detection of copper ions. Chemical Communications 2015, 51 (14), 2921-2924. IF=6.567(一区)  

9. Liu, Z.; Liu, J.; Li, D.; Francis, P. S.; Barnett, N. W.; Barrow, C. J.; Yang, W., Probing the tunable surface chemistry of graphene oxide. Chemical Communications 2015, 51 (54), 10969-10972.  IF=6.567(一区)  

10. Chu, W.; Zhang, Y.; Li, D.; Barrow, C. J.; Wang, H.; Yang, W., A biomimetic sensor for the detection of lead in water. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2015, 67, 621-624; (IF=6.451) (一区)  



1. 一种利用自组装石墨烯高灵敏检测蛋白质分子的方法。申请号:201510700005X (第一位)  

2. 一种采用电化学实时监测溶液中共价键形成的方法。申请号:2015107000280(第一位)  

3. 一种制备纳米枝状铜银双金属/石墨烯表面增强拉曼光谱衬底的方法。申请号:2018100385962 (第一位)  

4. 一种制备致密纳米氧化钛陶瓷的方法. 申请号:2018102865199(第一位)  




E-mail :  d.li@regbonus.net  




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