1. 压电能量收集技术
2. 基于压电材料的振动控制
3. 智能仪器设计
4. 智能测试系统设计
2)山东省自然科学基金面上项目,ZR2017MEE039,基于压电效应从多方向宽频振动环境中获取能量的机理研究,2017/8-2020/6 ,14万元,结题,主持。
3)国家自然科学基金青年项目,51205214,从宽带低频振动环境中回收能量的非线性压电结构及后续电路研究,2013/01-2015/12 ,25万元,结题,主持。
1)X.Xiang, K.Chen, Q.Yang,H.Shen,Reversible nonlinear energy harvester tuned by titling angle or clamping distance, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 366 (2024) 115009.
2)K. Chen, X. Ding, L. Tian,H. Shen, R. Song, Y. Bian, Q. Yang, An M−shaped buckled beam for enhancing nonlinear energy harvesting, Mech Syst Signal Pr, 188 (2023) 110066.
3)L. Tian,H. Shen, Q. Yang, R. Song, Y. Bian, A novel outer-inner magnetic two degree-of-freedom piezoelectric energy harvester, Energ Convers Manage, 283 (2023) 116920.
4)K. Chen, X. Zhang, X. Xiang,H. Shen, J. Wang, G. Litak, High performance piezoelectric energy harvester with dual-coupling beams and bistable configurations, J. Sound Vib, 561 (2023) 117822.
5)M.Liu,H.Shen,H.Luan,A new multi-piezoelectric input synchronized switch harvesting on inductor circuit,Ferroelectrics,606 (2023): 13 - 22.
6)C.Sheng,X.Xiang,H.Shen,R.Song,A novel rope-driven piezoelectric energy harvester for multidirectional vibrations, Energy Reports, 9(2023):3553-3562.
7)H. Shen, H. Ji, J. Qiu, Q. Yang, M. Yu, Y. Bian, X. Ding, Self-powered semi-passive vibration damping system based on the self-sensing approach, J Sound Vib, 512 (2021) 116371.
8)H. Shen, H. Ji, J. Qiu, Y. Bian, D. Liu, Adaptive synchronized switch harvesting: A new piezoelectric energy harvesting scheme for wideband vibrations, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 226 (2015) 21-36.
9)H. Shen, J. Qiu, M. Balsi, Vibration damping as a result of piezoelectric energy harvesting, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 169 (1) (2011) 178-186.
10)H. Shen, J. Qiu, H. Ji, K. Zhu, M. Balsi, Enhanced synchronized switch harvesting: a new energy harvesting scheme for efficient energy extraction, Smart Mater Struct, 19 (11) (2010) 115017.
11)H. Shen, J. Qiu, H. Ji, K. Zhu, M. Balsi, I. Giorgio, F. Dell Isola, A low-power circuit for piezoelectric vibration control by synchronized switching on voltage sources, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 161 (1–2) (2010) 245-255.
12)H. Shen, H. Ji, J. Qiu, K. Zhu, A Semi-passive Vibration Damping System Powered by Harvested Energy, Int J Appl Electrom, 31 (4) (2009) 219-233.
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